Wrap Around Care

Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is available daily from 7:45 am. Children will be welcomed and offered a healthy breakfast to kick start the day, followed by the option to take part in a variety of sports and arts and crafts activities. Breakfast club is run by School Staff, mainly Mrs Newbery. £4.50 per day, booked in advance via the ScoPay App.
Daily Late Club
There is a daily Late Club for all children every day until 4.15pm. Children should be booked in advance to these and if parents are 5 minutes late collecting, their child will be placed into Late Club and payment is expected. Children are collected between 4 and 4.15pm. £2.00 per child, per day, booked in advance via the ScoPay App.
Extended Late Club
Extended Late Club is currently available from 4.15pm until 5.30pm Monday to Thursday. £5.00 per child per day.  A Late Club booking will need to be placed first, then the Extended Late Club booked in addition to that, total cost per day, per child, £7.00, again all booked via the ScoPay App.
All bookings are required to be paid in advance.  If you wish to pay using Childcare vouchers please email the school office, admin@crockerton.wilts.sch.uk who will set your account to accept the vouchers.  
When possible, we also try to cover wrap around care on TD days. This would be limited numbers, a packed lunch would be required and pre-booking and payment to secure spaces via the school office. Drop off between 8 and 8.30am and pick up between 3.30 and 4pm at a cost of £25, per child.  This cover is advertised on the school newsletter a few weeks in advance of the day.
School Games Platinum 22/23
Healthy Schools 2020
Music Mark (Proud)