Online Safety

For Parents

Fact Sheets:
Internet Matters providing support for parents and teachers.
There are guides to prepare for starting their digital journey as a primary school child.
On this superb website, you will find guides for all areas of the digital world.
There is a Family Toolkit resource to support on-line safety.
There is advice about Setting Parental Controls.
Please take some time to navigate the website and make changes in this ever increasing digital world.
NSPCC PANTS – The Underwear Rule With the help of our friendly dinosaur Pantosaurus, PANTS is a simple way to talk to your child about staying safe from sexual abuse.
Digital Parenting Magazine
Digital Parenting is a free online safety guide, created by The Vodafone Foundation and Parent Zone. It is packed with important safety information and expert advice on issues such as healthy screen time and sleep, with content relating from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4. Digital Parenting is free to order for UK schools and youth and family organisations (including free P&P*), to distribute to the parents and carers they work with.

NSPCC – Share Aware
It can be hard to keep track of what your child is doing on social networks, apps and games. Or know how to keep them safe.That’s why NSPCC teamed up with O2. Together they are helping parents untangle the web. And teach their children to be Share Aware. Because, just like in real life, kids need help to stay safe online.

For Pupils
Think U Know
Cyber bullying
School Games Platinum 22/23
Healthy Schools 2020
Music Mark (Proud)