
The DfE strongly encourages schools to have a uniform ‘as it can play a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school and setting an appropriate tone’.
A uniform helps to develop a sense of belonging to the school and prevents competition and additional cost to parents. We have found that wearing a school uniform supports us in maintaining our high standards of behaviour.
Please ensure that hair styles are smart with no extremes eg tram lines, shaved. All long hair should be tied back.

Although, by law, Primary Schools cannot insist that children wear school uniform, the Governors of Crockerton School have endorsed that the pupils are strongly encouraged to wear the elected uniform while they are at school and whilst representing the school during trips and activities. Prospective parents, when looking around the school, are informed that children attending this school are expected to wear the school uniform.

The following items with the school logo can be purchased through the school office.
  • Navy sweatshirt with logo
  • Navy sweatshirt cardigan with logo
  • Green polo shirt (preferably with logo)
  • Navy Blue PE kit T-shirt
  • Burgundy hoodie
These items can be purchased at many shops and supermarkets
  • Navy skirt / trousers
  • Navy tights, navy or dark coloured socks
  • Navy PE shorts, tracksuit joggers or leggings - plain only.
  • Black, brown or navy leather shoes or similar fully black waterproof trainers. No open toe or heel sandals.
  • Summer – Navy tailored shorts (not PE shorts) or green checked cotton dress/white socks.
  • Trainers for PE lessons
Crockerton Uniform Price List

Please find below items that we hold in stock and their prices.
PE Kit Bags £4.50 - for swimming or slippers
Book Bags £5.00
PE T-Shirts £ 4.95 – £6.25
Polo T-Shirts £ 9.25 – £10.95
Sweatshirts £11.95 – £16.45
Sweatshirt Cardigan £13.70
PE Hoodie £14.80 – £17.00

Please click on the link below to find an order form:
*Update in light of continuing high costs of living
Children may wear fully black, trainer type shoes with their school uniform.
Bottle green polo shirts and plain navy sweat shirts are also absolutely fine.
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Music Mark (Proud)