Meet the Governors

Introduction to the Governing Board

Governors are responsible for the overall strategic direction and focus of the school, overseeing the management side which includes strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing. They work alongside Nic Ilic – as the Head – and her staff team and seek to enable the school to be run as effectively as possible.

Governors support through approving school policies and procedures, agreeing budgets, ensuring the National Curriculum is taught to all children to the highest standard, and that the children can learn in a clean and safe environment. Governors will also act as a “critical friend” to the Head, offering support and advice, but where necessary they also challenge and ask questions that parents would want them to be asking.

The Governors meet regularly at Full Governing Body (FGB) meetings. We have recently introduced new format with the aim of increasing both effectiveness and efficiency across the Governing body. We have one FGB meeting a month, with each one having a specific focus. This focus is drawn from the sub-committees that each Governor will also be a part of.

These committees are Quality of Education, Resources and Strategic, and each Governor will sit on one of these. The monthy meetings have a strict time-limit of one hour, in the aim that each Governor comes to the meeting fully prepared to either present or listen, but always to discuss and question.

The Governing Body is made up of representatives from the Diocese, Parents, Staff and Local Community, all of whom donate their time and expertise freely for the benefit of the schools. They all bring something different, whether that is educational, professional or spiritual.

Our School Governors are:
Gussie Kerr-Bonner

(Foundation Governor)

I was elected to the Governing Board in March 2021, and then as Chair in December 2021. My working background is in Operations and Project Management, and I have worked for a range of organisations including The National Trust, Microsoft, a cricket media company, as well as a number of marketing and events agencies. For the past five years I have worked for a high-end cyber security company, delivering consultancy across the globe for defence, government and commercial organisations. I bring skills and experience in planning, decision-making, project management, and people and community engagement.
I thoroughly enjoy my role as a Governor and find it both extremely interesting and fulfilling.

When not in school or work, you can usually find me doing something active outside, cycling the lanes of Wiltshire, walking up the mountains of Wales, or swimming in the waters of Pembrokeshire.

Responsibilities: Chair, Admissions Committee, Website Compliance, Whistleblowing

Nic Ilic


Kate Woodley

(Staff Governor)

Sally Branscombe


Responsibilities: Admissions Committee, HT Performance Management, English, SMSC, RE

Matthew Young


Responsibilities: Resourses Committee, Admissions Committee

Nick Martin


Responsibilities: Safeguarding, Behaviour

Judy Munro

(Ex-officio) Interregnum

You can contact our governors via this email address:
School Games Platinum 22/23
Healthy Schools 2020
Music Mark (Proud)