
Our School had a full inspection in November 2019
"The headteacher has very high expectations of pupils and staff. As a result, pupils are safe and doing well at school. Pupils come happily to school every day. Any pupils who cannot attend have very good reasons as they enjoy their learning and the many stimulating activities that the school provides. 
The school is a small and very harmonious community where pupils and staff show respect for each other and value the Christian ethos. Pupils live and breathe the three key rules: be kind, be safe, be responsible. Pupils behave well throughout the day, so everything is orderly. 
Physical fitness is a key priority of the school. Even though there is limited space, pupils have every opportunity to exercise and learn new sports. Children in Reception go on weekly welly walks in the neighbouring countryside"
Read the full report by clicking the link.
School Games Platinum 22/23
Healthy Schools 2020
Music Mark (Proud)